Gusty Garden Galaxy by EvilGlare - The tabs should be around Easy-Intermediate difficulty.Biome Fest – C418 by Skye - I would prefer intermediate tabs as im trying to improve but easy is ok as well.Ca chiu sa – Isaakovich Blanter by Zeeky - Please make it easy, interest about this song.Go Away Go Away – Punch x Chanyeol by Kimberly - Intermediate, I was hooked up by the song, I tried searching it all over the internet but I couldn't find….Smells like teen spirit – Nivana by Zander - Intermediate Ī like the song as ī remeber hearing it when ī was younger.Disney by Jonnathan Oliveras - I would like to see if possible one at an easy tabs I am starting to learn and this is…. Odesza – A moment apart by Alexandra - Beautiful song that lays very good on piano or kalimba.After grasping the basic ideas and techniques that make up the music's structure, I orchestrate and arrange the original melody and bass lines for a regular symphony orchestra, small band, or other traditional ensemble.Couldn’t find a kalimba tab for a song? Click here to submit a request. This was done for me to understand the complexities of the piece, allowing me to practice the score on the piano. These melody and bass lines would then be converted into a playable song for piano. To improve my ability to write, I would transcribe Pokemon music, note-by-note, from youtube videos. My passion for music analysis and deconstruction along with my drive for programming led me to begin writing music digitally through MuseScore software. I began learning to write sheet music because of my love for games. Source Code for the original Pokemon Demo: After learning Python, I became proficient in the Java programming language, taking multiple courses for it at my school and online, while also self-teaching myself through youtube videos. My first attempt to write and release a working text-based Pokemon Demo game was finished in April of 2018, and I presented it at my school's technology exposition (Source code posted below). I began learning the Python programming language when I was in seventh grade in an effort to one day be able to write enjoyable and playable games. Starting from a single laptop in my bedroom, my interest in computer science and coding came from my love for game design, specifically that of Pokemon games.