They are the strangest alliance between the West's most famous sheriff Wyatt Earp, trying to overcome outlaws and his deadliest gambling killer, Doc Holliday. As the fabled showdown is seen at the final way through this film. They fought shoulder to shoulder in the wildest stand-up gunfight in the history of the West. This trigger-taut Western drama deals with a lawman Wyatt Earp, at the begining Wyatt is a cowboy, a nomadic savage transporting his cattle and he subsequently befriends a badman gunslinger and philosopher Southern gent who usually coughs, called Doc Holliday, (Victor Mature who excels, giving comsumptive conviction to character), the strangest friendship this side of heaven and hell. This is a vigorous recounting of a familiar tale, dealing with the legendary lawman from Dodge City who moves to Tombstone, Arizona, aiming to begin a new life along with his brothers, Virgil (Tim Holt) and Morgan (Ward Bond).

Exciting classy Western with plenty of tension, thrills, shoot'em up, high body-count and it has now become accepted as a classic of the genre.